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What's Your Why?

Please complete this online form to share with us why you joined Women of Today, and why you are still a member. By submitting, you agree to have your comments, name, chapter name, and image (optional) on the MNWT website under the Testimonial sections. All submissions will appear below. Additionally, we did a blog article on the experience of a first-time attendee to one of our state conventions. Check out the rest of her post from her MNWT Convention First Timers experience! Thank you to all who have submitted!

Char OstenbergChar Ostenberg

Duluth Women of Today

I joined because I was impressed with the work WT does for Duluth Veterans. I stayed because I enjoy the women I work with.

Stefany NikolausStefany Nikolaus

I joined to meet new people and help my community. I stay because I have met so many wonderful women! (and to get away from my hubby)

Donna SchwartzDonna Schwartz

Hutchinson Area Women of Today

I joined because it sounded like a good organization to join. I stay because I like the people I have met and being part of bettering the community.

Kayla HermannKayla Hermann

Madelia Women of Today

In 1985, I was fresh out of high school and stayed in my hometown to work. A bunch of happy, cheerful ladies passed me an invite. I wanted to be part of something bigger. WT raised me to be a leader in my community and my job. I love mentoring others to be the best they can be.

Danielle EnbergDanielle Enberg

Monticello Women of Today

I joined to meet new ladies in my community. I stay because of the ladies and the community service we do.

Anonymous Anonymous

I joined to show my kids that no matter what they can overcome and do/be what they want! I am still a member to escape and for the friendship! I love to get out of the house and be a part of something bigger.

Anonymous Anonymous

I joined to meet people in the community. I feel obligated to stay a member so I am not a lost member of MNWT.

Candy FreemanCandy Freeman

Melrose Area Women of Today

I joined because I want to volunteer and help people in our community. WT is all about the service growth and fellowship. I have good energy. I stay because we have a very active chapter that works together; we have lots of fun and make a big difference. We collaborate and are always coming up with great projects.

Mary HansenMary Hansen

St Cloud Women of Today

My sister said we needed to join so I did. I stay for the friendships and challenges.

Jennifer WulffJennifer Wulff

Anoka Women of Today

I joined to give back to my community and meet some wonderful new friends! The friendships I have made keep me coming back!

Anonymous Anonymous

You would benefit from great friendship and a great way to get into your community. I joined looking for new friends. I love meeting new people. I want to continue making a difference in my community.

Beth CliffordBeth Clifford

I joined for new friends and to give back to the community. I stay for the same reason.

Rachal MuellerRachal Mueller

I joined to meet new people and do a variety of projects. I stay because of the friendships and raising money for non-profits.

Anonymous Anonymous

WT is a great way to make a difference in the community while having fun. It is something I do every year for me.

Pat HanksPat Hanks

St Cloud Women of Today

I joined because my daughter was so done with Girl Scouts and I wasn't. I stay for the service and adult friendships.

Barbara ShadeBarbara Shade

Warroad Area Women of Today

I'm pretty basic: I joined because why not! I stayed again because why not. However, my not-so-basic answer is my work is not yet done!

Tracy SalweiTracy Salwei

Rogers/Otsego/Dayton Women of Today

I love to fundraise and use those funds to better our communities or a charity. Fundraising is a competitive sport for me. I didn't want my passion for helping end when my kiddos left elementary and middle school where I really honed my fundraising skills. Planning, executing and hosting a great event is fun for me. Plus, I wanted a hobby when my kiddos leave the next in the next 5 years. I've come to really respect and know my fellow members. They lift me up, they are patient with me as the Chapter President, and they give me great life advice.

JoJo LarsonJoJo Larson

Brainerd Lakes Area Women of Today

I joined to meet people after moving to a new town. I stay to keep in touch with the hundreds of friends I made after joining.

Brynn OlsonBrynn Olson

Warroad Area Women of Today

I joined to help myself get out more in the community and meet new people. I continue with Woman of today because I have made some great friends, I have fun, and getting involved in the community is something fun to do!

Becky HaleBecky Hale

Brainerd Lakes Area Women of Today

I joined Women of Today because I was new to town and a single mom and needed to make some friends and learn more about the community I was living in. I stay because this is the best group ever! I love our Women of Today "family". It has been wonderful making friends with other ladies and their families either on a local, District or State level. And because of these ladies, I have met so many other people and organizations in the area. I love to give back to our amazing community and I couldn't imagine doing it without these ladies!

Nancy DvoracekNancy Dvoracek

Anoka Women of Today

I joined because I was starting a dental practice in Anoka and we were encourage to join the Jaycees and Mrs Jaycees. So we did -- as a new community member, it was a greay way to meet people. I am still a member because I enjoy watching members grow and take advantage of all we have to offer

Michelle KocakJonesMichelle KocakJones

Monticello Women of Today

I joined because I was the mother of a newborn (who is now a member!), a one- and two-year-old and needed some time for ME! I stay because of the wonderful friendships I have made, and continue to make, while volunteering to help others in my community.

Anonymous Anonymous

I joined to meet new women from Champlin. I love the friendships that I have, so I stay.

Frances NelsonFrances Nelson

St Joseph Women of Today

I joined because I wanted to meet new people and make new friends. I had just moved to the area and was lonely, found out that they were trying to get a group started here and I jumped right in. I don't think I even knew what WT was all about. I just knew these were very nice women and I wanted to hang out with them. Thank you, Lisa H and Cathy S. Our little group grew into a full-fledged chapter of 10 and I wanted to be a part of this terrific group. Be a leader, do the projects, work at fundraising. It's been everything I needed just didn't realize it. (We have grown bigger then that original 10!) I stay because of the personal growth and leadership opportunities and the way we are able to give back to the community. And of course, for the friendships!!!!

Shanna PrattShanna Pratt

Aitkin Women of Today

I became a member because I wanted to join a group of people who help our community and world be a better place. I am still a member for that reason, and because of all the friends I have made.

Robyn FarmRobyn Farm

I joined because I was told to, and to meet new people in the community. I stay because of the people that I have met and the impact that WT has made in my life. Also, I stay to meet new people. for personal growth, and it's lots of fun!

Sheila GeierSheila Geier

Byron Women of Today

I joined because I needed to get out and meeting new people. I stay because I love being around everyone and grow more in leadership.

Cat ShumanCat Shuman

Monticello Women of Today

I've always said: "I joined for the community service and stayed because of the friendships." It's the best way to keep making connections with my community and all the people that I've met over the years.

Anonymous Anonymous

I am involved in WT because I love volunteering. I joined to meet new people. I love their focus and helping the community.

Alyce CollinsAlyce Collins

St James Women of Today

I joined because I had cancer and not working, but needed to socialize and feel I was helping. I am still a member because of all the friendships

Shelby SlettonShelby Sletton

Warroad Area Women of Today

I joined WT because I like helping people. I am still a member because I love to meet new people.

Anonymous Anonymous

WT helps you grow as a person. I joined to meet more ladies in my community. I stay because I enjoy the projects, the friendships, and conventions. I feel needed by the chapter. We are a small group and enjoy doing projects together.

Arlene FeldewerdArlene Feldewerd

Avon Women of Today

I went to a membership Night and pretty much made up my mind to join so I could do community things and just get more involved with the Avon area. I enjoy the connection with the ladies in our chapter and love doing things with the community and for the community in Avon and surrounding areas.

Tawn HansonTawn Hanson

I joined because my neighbor made me. I had no friends. I stay because of all the great friends I have made.

Melody WeigelMelody Weigel

I joined to meet new people. I stayed because I really enjoy my group and giving back to the community through service.

Jeny OhrJeny Ohr

Coon Rapids Women of Today

I joined because I was searching for a purpose. I had graduated from college with a degree in Social Work, which I had not been able to use. I was so excited when I saw this organization was starting in my city. It was what I had been searching for. I stay a member because of the friends I have made as well as the leadership opportunities available. Being a stay at home mom this is my professional outlet.

Carolyn Carolyn

Warroad Area Women of Today

I joined to be a part of a group with a purpose; a group that makes the community a better place; a group of like-minded women that celebrate each others' successes and uplifts each other; and provides a family of support. I am still a member our work is not done yet.

Linda NindorfLinda Nindorf

Duluth Women of Today

I joined to get out of the house after retirement and meet new friends. I stay because I like to learn new things and get out of my comfort zone.

Christine SibilleauChristine Sibilleau

Roseau Women of Today

I joined WT at the encouragement of a friend -- she knew it was something I would love being a part of...and she was right! I loved helping in my community and after a few years, I discovered there was so much more to the WT organization, so much more than the chapters in our district. I have learned so much in this time. There really is something for everyone!

Angela HansonAngela Hanson

I joined because I needed to meet new people, volunteer, and get out of the house. I stay because it's fun and I meet new people!

Anonymous Anonymous

You would benefit from WT by meeting other inspiring women and giving back. I love volunteering and the fellowship. I feel like I am always bettering myself. WT adds positivity to my life. :) I stay because I want to be a positive change in the world!

Ronda WagnerRonda Wagner

Duluth Women of Today

I used to be in it years ago and we had disbanded. I missed the fellowship with the ladies and the fun we had together. I am interested in growing and seeing my friends grow as we do wonderful things for the communities.

Glorie BalfanzGlorie Balfanz

Monticello Women of Today

I joined to volunteer and be involved in the community after becoming an empty-nester. I stay for the same and because of all the friends I have made.

Tanna EngenTanna Engen

Greenbush Women of Today

I joined to meet new people when I moved up from Wyoming. I stay because of the friendships, service, and projects.

Mary SobczakMary Sobczak

Burnsville Women of Today

I joined to do something different, and at the suggestion of my neighbor, who was a member, and I love every minute. I stay because I love doing service projects, going to meetings, meeting new people, and growing as a person. Also, I enjoy being involved and making a difference in the community.

Cindy CarlsonCindy Carlson

Brainerd Lakes Area Women of Today

I joined because I was asked to by a friend and was self-employed, so I thought it was a good idea. Friends, connections, and giving back is my heart and why I stayed.

Sue LemkeSue Lemke

Avon Women of Today

I joined to find out what was going on and stay because of the people I have met along the way.

Cathy SnyderCathy Snyder

Eastern Carver County Women of Today

I joined to get out of the house. I stay because of the friendships.

Dawn HendricksDawn Hendricks

Monticello Women of Today

I joined to be a volunteer with my own name! I was always Lynzie's mom or Zoe's mom. I am a volunteer at heart. That is why I am still a member, as well s the friendships I have made.

Adrianna PostAdrianna Post

I joined to meet people and volunteer in my community. I stay to continue to make new friends, learn new skills, and volunteer.

Sherri LeskeSherri Leske

New Ulm Women of Today

I joined WT because I really liked the feeling of giving back to my community. I like the fact that money raised goes to my hometown and helps our chapter donate to events, worthy causes, and general places. I am still a member because I enjoy being with other women who want to make this fractured world a better place.

Brenda SatherBrenda Sather

Greenbush Women of Today

I remember moving home after graduating from college with a Finance degree and feeling unsure of what I wanted to do with my life. I had a young child at home and was offered a part time position at the local bank helping out with their marketing program. After being home a couple of months, I was approached by a women that I looked up to professionally who invited my sister and I to a Women of Today meeting at her home. I had heard of the organization but the members who attended were not in my circle of relationships at that time. To be honest, I really attended the first meeting because she had a beautiful new home and I wanted to see the inside! I still remember almost 30 years later what an honor it felt to be asked to her home and then asked to join their chapter that night after I had had a chance to see what they were about. I don’t regret that “YES” answer to this day.

I was “hooked” from that moment on and quickly took on local, district and even state positions. I served as Chapter President, District Director, PR SPM, State Secretary and State Membership Vice President in the mid to late 1990s. Although I remained active on the local level, I took a break from the state level until four years ago when I came back as Internal Vice President, State Secretary, and last year State President. During the time I was away from the state level, I raised a family as well as continued my professional career in banking eventually reaching executive management level positions. I also ran for Mayor of my home town of which I am currently serving in my second term after serving on the City Council for six years.

I credit my skills and ability to achieve success not only in my banking career but in my duties as Mayor completely to my involvement with the MN Women of Today. Without the training and experience I had with leadership opportunities so early on after schooling, I know that I would not be where I am at today. We truly are an organization that focuses on personal development and leadership training as well as community service and I believe that I am an example of this.

Sue BaySue Bay

Fairmont Women of Today

I joined for friendships. I stay because I was right...this is great for friendships! I feel so loved.

Anonymous Anonymous

I joined to help others in my community. Times are tough these days for many -- why not help out.

Sally KoltesSally Koltes

Melrose Area Women of Today

I joined to meet new ladies and do great things in the community. I stay for continued growth fellowship in the community fun projects and women outreach.

Daina Mirsch-WennerDaina Mirsch-Wenner

Duluth Women of Today

I joined when I was new to my community and was doing a service project for my young son. While there, the Membership VP from the local chapter invited me to the meeting; I joined that evening and became the newsletter editor for the chapter. I stay because WT offers opportunities to use my creativity and experience with no barriers. It grew my confidence and gives me friendships across the state and nation. WT gives me leadership opportunities and the ability to do service projects for those in need. I have loved the time spent...over 20 years & counting!

Amy JoppAmy Jopp

Benson Women of Today

I joined to meet other women and find a place to be involved. I continue my membership because of the friendships and the value of the projects we do for our community.

Kathy HansenKathy Hansen

St Michael/Albertville Women of Today

I joined to meet other women. I've been a member since 1998 because I love the organization.

Anonymous Anonymous

WT is a great way to make friends, network, and volunteer in the community. I joined to find new friendships, as well as volunteer. I enjoy my time with my WT friends, and believe it is important to give back and have fun in the process.

Rita JohnsonRita Johnson

New Hope Women of Today

I joined to meet ladies to do things with and to volunteer. I stay because I like the friends and experiences, and still find WT a great organization.

Anonymous Anonymous

If you want to give back, you get many opportunities to do so. I joined for the camaraderie; it's fun! I can set up M-nights in fun places, and I enjoy the experience overall. Our long-term projects have meant so much to me. I want to see those worthwhile projects through, knowing we're making people's lives a little better. I enjoy the conventions, and all the events throughout the year.

Wendy HomyakWendy Homyak

Champlin Women of Today

I joined for the volunteer opportunities in my community. I stay for the many friendships, leadership opportunities, and FUN!

Jenise TeskeJenise Teske

St Joseph Women of Today

I joined to make new friends and to find ways to volunteer in my community. I stay because of all of the wonderful friendships I have gained, and the encouragement along the way to reach outside my comfort zone to take on more responsibility and leadership roles, which has boosted my confidence and helped me to grow personally (far beyond what I ever imagined.)

Rhonda EckhartRhonda Eckhart

I joined to socialize volunteer and get to know other women. I stay because I can still do all those things.

Anonymous Anonymous

I joined to meet new people in my area, and because of the service projects I saw on PINterest! I stay because of the other women in my chapter and the opportunities. There are always new things I can do and get involved in my area! I stay for the personal growth!

Kathy WegnerKathy Wegner

New Ulm Women of Today

I joined because I like the people, and playing Farkel in Amy S's garage. I got hooked when I found out about good times they had at convention. I like giving back through the 3-year project, and hanging out with people at conventions. The get-togethers are great!

Annette Annette

Monticello Women of Today

I joined to meet more ladies and volunteer. I stay becasue I made new friends, and love to volunteer

Anonymous Anonymous

You would benefit from learning leadership skills. I joined to become involved in my community and had young kids at the time. I am still a member due to the friendships across the state, the community involvement, and volunteering.

Mary KaminskiMary Kaminski

I joined to meet new people and volunteer in the community. I stay for the continued ability to meet people and give back to the community.

Kayla SchroedenKayla Schroeden

Monticello Women of Today

I joined to meet people. I stay because of the Service, Growth, and Fellowship. :)

Cathy OlsonCathy Olson

Aitkin Women of Today

I joined because I wanted to help with projects geared toward young children in the community, and meet new people. I stay because I like seeing people from across the state, and enjoy volunteering.

Anonymous Anonymous

WT benefits you by all the interactions and friendships. I became a member because I needed more friends. I stay because WT changed my life <3 It is my lifetime goal to stay a member. I love my personal growth and friendships.

Michelle McGowanMichelle McGowan

Byron Women of Today

I joined when I went to an M-event and had a great time. I stay because I continue making great friends and enjoy helping our community.

Sue RenzSue Renz

St James Women of Today

I joined because I didn't know many people in my community, even though I'd lived there almost two years! I thought their chapter projects sounded like fun and I wanted to pitch in! I stay because I made friends with all the members, and I like the chapter and their projects. Then I went to district and state meeting and met many more friends.

Kelly CarlsonKelly Carlson

I joined to meet new people. I stay because I like helping people.

Leslie GobleLeslie Goble

Aitkin Women of Today

I first joined because a friend asked me to. I still belong because I've made more friends and love the service to our community.

Anonymous Anonymous

WT is a good fit for women who want to give back and meet new people. I joined when I was newly married and wanted to meet new people. I stay because I'm a life-long learner, and our chapter members are great. Our chapter is a gorup of caring, smart, and fun individuals.

Shellie LemmermanShellie Lemmerman

Morris Area Women of Today

I joined WT to meet new ladies and get out of my comfort shell. I'm still in WT because I love what we do, and I'm out of my comfy zone. It also helped me when my hubby was sick. I could go to all my friends, and I knew they were there for me.

Anonymous Anonymous

The WT values are awesome: Service, Growth & Fellowship! I joined to serve my community, and I enjoy the members. Service makes me happy. :)

Anonymous Anonymous

I joined to help out my community and to be a part of something great.

Heather SimenstadHeather Simenstad

Aitkin Women of Today

I joined because of family members. I stay because it's just simply a part of my life.

Joanna BorkenhagenJoanna Borkenhagen

Fairmont Women of Today

I joined because I was looking for friendship and getting more involved in my community. I stay for the service, fellowship, and growth. I found more than service growth and fellowships. I found growth. I found leadership and confidence. WT is what you make it; the effort you put in determines your success.

Bernice GravesBernice Graves

Duluth Women of Today

I joined because I needed to know more about this organization: what they do and why. Is this a copycat organization of another organization? I stay because I made fantastic, ever-lasting friendships. WT gives 110% of their abilities and hours to help their projects.

Cheryl WatsonCheryl Watson

Burnsville Women of Today

I didn't expect making so many friends and feeling comfortable talking in front of people. Being a member of such a dynamic group has made a wonderful difference in my life and helps me make the world a better place.

Anonymous Anonymous

Volunteering with WT makes you feel like you are making a difference. I joined because I wanted to belong to an organization that helped my community. I stay because I have made lasting friendships with members of my chapter. It makes me feel like I can make the world a better place. I makes me fee good and it is a worthwhile group to be in. :)

©2022 Minnesota Women of Today. All rights reserved. | If you have comments about this website, please contact the Chapter Service Center.
A state organization of the United States Women of Today.