MNWT Foundation

MNWT Foundation Chair

The mission of the MNWT Foundation is to support the programs of the Minnesota Women of Today by developing financial and non-financial resources, and to provide appropriate oversight and distribution of funds raised. The MNWT Foundation is not a committee of the Minnesota Women of Today but a separate 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization. It was established in 1983 to support the projects and programs of the MNWT. The purpose of the foundation is to raise and distribute funds to help further the educational, training and fundraising projects of the organization. The Foundation is working for your chapter and its members — Support of the MNWT Foundation can be made by donating during the Give to the Max Day or becoming a sustaining member. All donations to the MNWT Foundation are tax-deductible. The MNWT Foundation is a member of the Minnesota Council of Nonprofits’.

Officers & Subcommittee Chairs

  • Vice Chair- Cindy Umland
  • Secretary- Wendy Homyak & Sharon Erickson
  • Treasurer- Mary Kaminski
  • Chapter Grants Committee- Allie Staley
  • Endowment Fund- Lind Nindorf
  • Corporate Grant/Solicitations- Mary Kaminski
  • Scholarship- Anna Nichols
  • Planned Giving- Jane Hanson

State Publications

Forms and Applications

Foundation Information

Files for Posting by Foundation

RaiseRight Fundraiser

Gift card fundraising, also known as scrip fundraising, has been the #1 fundraiser for nonprofit organizations across the U.S. for more than 25 years. Why? Because it’s easy and more convenient than selling goods or recruiting volunteers. Earn simply by buying gift cards to use for everyday purchases, instead of cash or credit cards. For more information contact Mary Kaminski, MNWT Foundation, Corporate Grants/Solicitations Chair. Here are the steps to take to help benefit the MNWT Foundation:

  1. Go to
  2. Click the Sign Up button in the top right corner of the menu bar.
  3. Enter MNWT Foundation’s unique enrollment code: JYAHCZYC5KS9 and click the “Join a Program” button.
  4. Create your account by completing all the required fields in this window. Enter “MNWT Foundation” in the “Who are you earning for”>”Group” field”; then click the Next button.
  5. Complete the Sign-In information window. and click the Next button.
  6. Complete the Secure your account window and click the Next button.
  7. Enter your phone number and click the “Call Me” or “Text Me” button to get a verification code.
  8. Enter that verification code into the next window and click the “Finish” button..
  9. Go through the helpful hints windows until you see the Shopping Window.
  10. Start Shopping!

Event/Meeting Information

August 2, 2024ZoomMeeting Minutes
November 1, 2024ZoomMeeting Minutes
January 11, 2025Star Bank in Eden PrairieMeeting Minutes
January 24th-25, 2025Winter State (Jewerly Raffle)n/a
April 11, 2025ZoomMeeting Minutes
May 16, 2025 MNWT Foudation MeetingAnnual Convention (Primary Body following Exec Council meeting)Meeting Minutes

☨ Minutes will be for the previous year if the meeting has not yet happened. If there is no file listed in the table above, please contact the person responsible for more information. Unfortunately, this file has not yet been submitted to be posted.