Women of Today Chapters

Chapters are located all over Minnesota, please see the list below to find one in your area. To join a Women of Today chapter, simply visit one of their meetings or events and request a membership application.

Interested in Women of Today?Click this link to let us know you are interested in being a member. For more information, please contact the Chapter Service Center at csc@mnwt.org.

If your chapter information is not correct below, click here to submit the correct information.

Currently there are new chapters being formed in the communities identified in the table below. You can contact the Extensions Director (extensions@mnwt.org) for information about starting a chapter in your community. The Women of Today is also in several states around the country, please visit www.uswomenoftoday.org  or visit them on Facebook for information about the United States Women of Today. The Women of Today also extended to a new country too!  Visit www.cypruswot.org or visit them on Facebook for more information about this great new chapter sponsored by the Minnesota Women of Today!

Chapter Name Meeting Place Meeting Day Websites District email
{Chapter_Name} {Meeting_Place} {Meeting_Day} {Websites} {District} {email}
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