Membership Management Committee
Established in January 1994, this committee works with the MWNT Membership Team to generate interest and excitement in meeting membership goals. Additional objectives are to find ways to increase chapter size, improve retention, assist with the addition of new chapters, and to internally market our organization. This committee is organized annually and meets at least three times during the year. The Membership Management chairperson is appointed by the state president and serves a one-year term. Additional committee members are the state president, membership vice president, chapter management vice president, and extensions director. Additionally one (1) general member from each area and up to four (4) members from the general membership shall be appointed by the MMC chair and serve one-year terms.
Subcommittee Chairs
- Leadership Subcommittee: Heidi Westerlund
State Publications
Official WT Resources and Links
No additional files at this time.
Files for Posting by Officer: MMC
No additional files at this time.