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Administrative Vice President:
Andrea Schue<br>
Andrea Schue, Administrative Vice President

This appointed position supervises the District Directors and is the contact with the Local State Delegates; and serves on the Future Directions committee. The Administrative VP shall coordinate the State President's district and area visitations, whenever possible; shall serve on the Future Directions Committee as the official liaison for the Executive Council; and shall be chair of the Success System Appeals Committee.

Membership Vice President:
Open, Membership Vice President

This appointed position is the administrator of membership and the state's Growth Plan, which is a schedule of planned membership growth for chapters, districts and the state. It details membership activity for the year to plan for membership growth. Chapters, click here for marketing ideas to help promote Women of Today in your community. The Membership VP shall coordinate membership growth awards; and shall serve on the Membership Management Committee.

Chapter Management Vice President:
Shirley Viesselman<br>
Shirley Viesselman, Chapter Management Vice President

This appointed position is in charge of the TLC chapters; supervises Gold Team; promotes the use of chapter management tools; and coordinates Local Officer Training Seminar (LOTS). She also oversees the Success Coordinator to evaluate the Success System submissions each trimester. Chapters, click here for marketing ideas to help promote Women of Today in your community. The Chapter Management VP shall promote STEP certification as a chapter management tool; shall plan, coordinate and supervise President/State Delegate Retreat; and shall serve on the Membership Management Committee.

Programming Vice President:
Michelle Kocak-Jones<br>
Michelle Kocak-Jones, Programming Vice President

This appointed position serves as the State President’s administrator of programming. The Programming VP shall supervise the Program Managers; shall be in charge of training sessions at state meetings for the programming areas; shall perform required triennial evaluations of external programming areas; shall serve on the Future Directions Committee; shall be the liaison between the Minnesota Women of Today and the external foundations; shall coordinate the state three-year priority project bidding process; and shall serve on the Board of Directors of the MNWT Foundation as an ex-officio member.

Marketing Vice President:
Michelle Cloutier<br>
Michelle Cloutier, Marketing Vice President

This appointed position began in the 2021-2022 year, and is be responsible for overseeing marketing activities, supervising the Public Relations Assistant and NEWSLET Editor, and chairs the Marketing Committee. This committee externally promotes the Minnesota Women of Today. Activities include hosting informational booths at expos, developing media kits and new brochures, and providing promotional materials at state-sponsored events. This committee is comprised of representatives from across the state and several executive council members. Please go to the News webpage for an assortment of public relations tools for your chapter to use, and marketing ideas to help promote Women of Today in your community.

Financial Vice President:
Connie Fink<br>
Connie Fink, Financial Vice President

This appointed position prepares the state budget; acts as chairman of the Finance Committee; serves on MNWT Foundation Board; and supervises the Accountant and State Store Manager. State Store items make great incentives and thank you gifts. For a complete list of items, visit the state store at a state meeting or review the order form. If you are interested in these or any of the items available, contact the State Store Manager or State Finance VP to place an order. For more information on non-profit organizations with the Minnesota Department of Revenue, click here.

Extensions Director:
Kathy Hansen<br>
Kathy Hansen, Extensions Director

This appointed position assists chapters with the extensions process and follows through with newly extended chapters; and promotes chapter extensions with the Extensions Manual and other extension information available. Chapters, click here for marketing ideas to help promote Women of Today in your community. The Extensions Director shall also supervise and assist two and under chapters by promoting chapter orientation, officer training, and STEP certification as an orientation, activation and membership tool; shall determine target communities for extensions and initiate contacts in those communities; shall find individual chapters/teams to complete and support initiated extensions; shall serve on the MNWT Foundation as an ex-officio member; and shall serve on the Membership Management Committee.

Jeny Ohr<br>
Jeny Ohr, Parliamentarian

This appointed position oversees parliamentary procedure at meetings of the corporation; and is responsible for review of state bylaws and policies. The State Parliamentarian shall give advice on parliamentary procedure and in matters involving the Articles of Incorporation, bylaws and policies on either a local, district, or state level to chapters who seek such advice; shall help chapters and districts update bylaws and policies; shall be responsible for establishing a quorum and verifying credentials at each state meeting; and shall serve on the Future Directions and Credentials Committees.

Liz Weigel<br>
Liz Weigel, Secretary

This appointed position records and distributes the minutes of all meetings; and compiles Chapter Mailings and the State Plan of Action. The State Secretary shall coordinate the compiling and distribution of Chapter Information Packets (CIP); shall coordinate the Chapter Mile and Chapter Attendance programs at state meetings; and shall be responsible for compiling agenda and staff reports.

Presidential Assistant:
Mary Sobczak<br>
Mary Sobczak, Presidential Assistant

This appointed position assists the State President in any activities deemed necessary and compiles the Executive Council Directory.

Chairman of the Board:
Amy Pumper<br>
Amy Pumper, Chairman of the Board

This position is held by the immediate past state president, and presides over the Statewide Committees, Elections Committee and March Planning. She also serves as Historian for the MNWT, and is the liaison between the MNWT and the United States Women of Today, as well as the chair of the ONTO Committee for National Convention. The State COB shall be responsible for maintaining a continuous file of all campaign procedures, literature and financial reports; shall host other Past State Presidents in attendance at state meetings; shall be chair of the Re-districting Committee; shall be an ex-officio member of Finance Committee; and shall serve on the Future Directions Committee, Marketing Committee, and Membership Management Committee. In addition, the COB promotes the annual United States Women of Today Statewide Bucket of Sunshine which culminates at the MNWT Winter State Convention.

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A state organization of the United States Women of Today.