This appointed position serves as the State President’s administrator of programming. The Programming VP shall supervise the Program Managers; shall be in charge of training sessions at state meetings for the programming areas; shall perform evaluations of programming areas as needed; shall serve on the Future Directions Committee; shall be the liaison between the Minnesota Women of Today and the external foundations; shall coordinate the state three-year priority project bidding process; and shall serve on the Board of Directors of the MNWT Foundation as an ex-officio member.
FOR DONATIONS: please make donation checks out to MNWT and write the appropriate Foundation’s Name in the comments. Then send the check to the Chapter Service Center so we can keep all funds together for the presentation of one big check at the Annual Convention. DO NOT FORGET to submit Program Manager Trimester Report. THANK YOU for your support! All the United States Women of Today forms and resources can be found on the United States Women of Today Website.
MNWT Programming Facebook page
State Publications
Official WT Resources and Links
- Programming Vice President Fast Start | Emailme form
- Program Manager Contact Sheet
- Program Manager Trimester Report | Emailme form | Excel form
- Outstanding Program Manager Nomination | Emailme form
- Project of the Trimester Nomination | Emailme form
- Thinking of being a SPM
Files for Posting by Officer: PVP
No additional files at this time.