State Leadership
Our state organization is lead by the Executive Council who are elected and appointed annually, based on their position. The full Exec Council meets five times each year (Annual Special Exec, Fall State, Mid Year Exec, Winter State, and Annual Convention). Each Exec Council position has qualification requirements for that position. A member may serve on Exec Council for no more than eight years, excluding their year as Chairman of the Board, Presidential Assistant, District Representative/Contact, or if appointed to their position following MNJOTS.

The role of the Executive Council is to:
- Make decisions regarding policies and guide the process for the membership to determine the governing bylaws.
- Set goals for how the organization will continue to meet our members’ needs.
- Guide the organization with ideas for projects & events in support of our collective goals.
- Keep track of what has been happening & what is coming up… generate energy, engagement, retention and recruiting.
- Support the ideas of members to engage…offer training and mentorship to build up confidence & experience in other members.
- Support the membership process needed for recruiting & retaining members including internal and external marketing.
- Oversee the financial operations of the organization.