Members Homepage

Click here for the official Minnesota Women of Today email page (Chapters, Exec Council, and Foundation).

Webinar Series

Each trimester we offer our membership online training where participants will learn more about our programming areas, membership techniques, and online tools. Make this a regular event for your chapter!

Webinar for trimester 3 coming soon…

Click here to register for a session.
Registration MUST be made by 5pm on the Friday prior to the Webinar in order to reserve your spot. If there are no registrations by the deadline, the session will be cancelled.
A Confirmation Email with instructions will be sent out by noon on the Monday prior to the Webinar, so you will have time to set up your computer in time for the session.

We want your input on what to offer! Send email to with ideas.

3rd Trimester Highlights

March Planning Recommendations to COB

All recommendations are due to COB Amy by Feb 10. This is your chance to make suggestions on improvements to our organization. Use form located on Chairman of the Board page.

Then make plans to join us for the discussion on March 1 at 10am at Hampton Inn North Rochester. Register on Statewide Events page.

Membership Week – Feb 13-19

Random Acts of Kindness

Let’s encourage membership with RAKs! Hold a service project or social during M-Week or sign a new member and notify MVP Shellie at

State Committee Meetings 

Be a part of how MNWT supports our members. Join us for Membership Management (10am), Marketing (11:30am), and Future Directions (1pm) at the Hampton Inn North Rochester. Light breakfast treats and lunch are provided. Goodwill donations are appreciated. Members may also join by zoom. Email for Zoom information.

State & District Orientation 

All new members in their first year or anyone wanting to learn more are invited to join the Orientation Zoom on Thursday, March 13 at 7pm. This orientation will focus on the District & State levels of MNWT and introduce the USWT organization. Zoom information will be sent to all chapters, new members in their 2nd or 3rd trimester. Reach out to if you need the Zoom information.

Regional Meetings – March 22 (Bemidji) and March 29 (Waseca)

Join your District Directors as they welcome the State President candidate(s), present membership training & enrichment, and host President Tevyan. Registration information is available under Events – Regional & District meetings. All members are encouraged to attend.

Clean Up at Camp Friendship in Annandale, April 5

We will be cleaning bunk houses for volunteers to have a successful summer. Watch Facebook for historical ties between Women of Today and True Friends. There will be two door prize drawings for those who participate in the project. ALSO, when you participate your chapter qualifies for 50 Success points!!! But you need 2 or more members to participate.  Please email SPM Sara at if you would like to participate.

Statewide Day of Service – April 12

President Tevyan is challenging all chapters to participate or organize a service project on April 12. You can join with another organization, participate with your district or host your own project but let’s use this day to make a difference in your community. Youth of Today SPM Cheryl has an incentive for all chapters who participate in a project with the scouts.

Email PVP Michelle ( to let her know your plans and invite President Tevyan to participate with you by emailing

LOTS – Local Officer Training Session on April 26 in Monticello

Annual Convention

USWT Annual Convention and 40th Anniversary Celebration