State Committees
The State Committees help our organization run effectively and efficiently, suggest project or plans for the state to ensure its continued existence, and support the state organization. These committees meet regularly and are open to any member in good standing. The three main Statewide Committees are Future Directions, Membership Management, and Marketing. However, there are many other committees with specific objectives, like Bylaw Review, Finance, Elections, and ONTO. There are also the Key Women and MNWT Foundation, which are not really state committees, but organizations unto themselves that support the leaders of our organizations and support MNWT respectively.
How to be a Committee Member
You can contact the Statewide Committee Chair for the committee you wish to join. The eligibility requirements to be a committee member vary, but any member in good standing may request to become a committee member, or simply attend an upcoming committee meeting. Some committees require members to be voted in by the committee; please contact the committee chair for full details. MNWT has many different committees a member can join.
For Committee Meeting information including registration information visit the Committee Meetings Event Page. For minutes of previous meetings, visit Committee Meeting Minutes on the Publications page.
Future Directions Committee Chair: Cathy Shuman
This ongoing committee is responsible for reviewing member suggestions concerning organizational structure, administration or programming, especially long-range planning in those areas, which have been approved by the membership. This committee is organized annually and meets at least three times during the year. The Future Directions Committee chairperson is appointed by the state president and serves a one-year term. Additional committee members are the state president, programming vice president, administrative vice president, financial vice president, chairman of the board, executive director, state parliamentarian, marketing vice president, MNWT Foundation chair, membership management chair, reporting subcommittee chairs, and past Future Directions chair. Additionally one (1) general member from each area and up to four (4) members from the general membership shall be appointed by the FDC chair, who serve rotating two-year terms.

Marketing Committee Chair: Michelle Cloutier
The Marketing Committee shall strive to create an understanding of Minnesota Women of Today’s mission with those inside and outside the organization by elevating the quality and effectiveness of communication vehicles for our programs and services. In addition, this committee establishes, monitors, and assists in carrying out an overall media relations plan for the organization and its member chapters. This includes social media and the MNWT website. This committee is organized annually and meets at least three times during the year. The Marketing Vice President serves as the Marketing Committee chairperson. Additional committee members are the state president, past marketing vice president, chairman of the board, executive director, state secretary, one designated member of the web team, and reporting subcommittee chairs. Additionally one (1) general member from each area and up to four (4) members from the general membership shall be appointed by the Marketing Vice President and serve one-year terms.

Membership Management Committee Chair: Anna Nichols
Established in January 1994, this committee works with the MWNT Membership Team to generate interest and excitement in meeting membership goals. Additional objectives are to find ways to increase chapter size, improve retention, assist with the addition of new chapters, and to internally market our organization. This committee is organized annually and meets at least three times during the year. The Membership Management chairperson is appointed by the state president and serves a one-year term. Additional committee members are the state president, membership vice president, chapter management vice president, and extensions director. Additionally one (1) general member from each area and up to four (4) members from the general membership shall be appointed by the MMC chair and serve one-year terms.

Bylaw/Review: Jeny Ohr
Bylaw Review Committee shall be chaired by the State Parliamentarian with the purpose of manually reviewing state bylaws and policies. Members of the committee should include the State President, Chairman of the Board, Executive Director, and past Parliamentarian. Additional members may be recruited by the Parliamentarian.

Finance: Connie Fink
The Finance Committee shall be responsible to provide financial direction and designation of funds, as well as to propose the annual budget. This committee meets four times during the year. The Financial Vice President serves as the Finance Committee chairperson. Additional committee members are the state president, past financial vice president, chairman of the board, executive director, accountant, marketing vice president, and 5-10 members from the general membership shall be appointed by the Financial Vice President and approved by the exec council and serve two-year terms.